Spring Festival Private Tour Munich | Pissup Tours

Spring Festival Special Private Tour

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Spring Festival Special Private Tour

What's Included
  • 210 min. Guided Tour
  • 2 x 1 Beer Each
  • Bavarian Pretzel each
  • Traditional Meal each
  • min. Table reservation
Night Life
Guided Tours

Spring Festival Means That Oktoberfest Is Only Around The Corner!

Join our Spring Festival Special Private Tour in Munich for your stag do with a table reservation, beer and snacks included.

Gather the boys and experience a unique side of Munich with our exclusive Spring Festival Special stag do tour! Join us for a private 3.5-hour adventure led by our expert guide to learn about the history of this exciting festival. Throughout the tour, you'll get to sample some nice German beers and plenty of Bavarian snacks, from pork knuckle to Brotzeitbrettl (Bavarian appetiser plate).

Let's experience Spring Festival in the heart of Munich while learning about its origins, traditions, and cultural significance with Pissup.

After a nice history lesson and some tipsy shenanigans, a visit to one of Munich's lap dance clubs will be in order.

What You Should Know Before Booking This Activity

  • This tour is three and a half hours and includes a guide.
  • Everyone gets two beers, a pretzel and lots of other snacks.
  • Please be mindful that tours in the afternoon are more expensive. In the morning time, they're a lot cheaper.
  • Between two and ten people are required to confirm a tour of the Spring Festival.
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