Lads Authority #1 Lads weekends in Europe since 2001.
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Lads Weekend Away with Pissup
Here at Pissup we provide more than just stag dos in awesome cities across Europe, our expert party planners can also help you construct an awesome weekend that will go down in legend! Thinking about booking a lads weekend away with your mates? Wondering where to go, what you’re going to do?
Well we’re here to help. There are many reasons why you want to book a lads weekend away: it could be to celebrate a birthday; the end of uni; or just to get away from all the hassle of home...
But whatever your reasons we’re here to show you what activities you can do if you book a stag holiday with us. We’ve decided to look at five different types of lads holiday you can have. Each section will tell you what’s on offer and which destination you can do it in - and it goes without saying that you can mix and match different types of holidays to suit your needs!

1. Birds, Birds, Birds
Pimpin’ ain’t easy, and you’re coming to a foreign city for a lads weekend away meeting girls can be a bit tricky. Especially since you’re not going on a traditional package holiday to a beach resort surrounded by members of the opposite sex who are looking for love too. While 40% of women under 30 have said they have hooked up while on holiday, don’t expect such favourable odds if you just roll up to a random club in Eastern Europe without doing any research!
That’s why if you’re coming to Krakow we’d recommend getting a Bar Guide. More than just your average bar crawl in Krakow, our guide will help you avoid dive bars where it’s just one man and his dog and a battered juke box. Krakow has a huge, up for it, student population and arguably the highest density of bars in Central-Eastern Europe.
But if you’re on a look don’t touch weekend, then cities like Bratislava and Tallinn offer Tottie Tours, where you get taken to the best strip clubs in town. These clubs are wild and not to be missed, but they are always safe so if you book with us you won’t have to worry about getting ripped-off in some gangster hangout.

2. Party on a Budget!
While it’s true that many more guys are going on sober holidays - even, shock horror!, on stag dos - booze, specially, beer is still the classic staple for any lads weekend away. According to statistics us Brits vary slightly between North and South on how many units we Brits consume on holiday. It still works out to around between 42.5 and 67.3 per week - which is a lot! That’s why when you’re booking a trip with the boys to Europe you need to choose a city where the drink is cheap. Of course, the exchange rate and booze tax being what they are, any city is good for British guys coming with pounds.
Budapest is the cheapest city in Europe for booze, with a litre of beer - and a lads holiday isn't complete without beer! - coming to about 88p in a bar. With all the key action centred around the old Jewish district in the centre of town, it’s also one of the most easily navigable destinations. But if you’re looking for awesome tunes as well as cheap booze then we’d recommend Berlin. Berlin has around 900 bars and 190 clubs for you to choose from, and if you love techno music then heading to the German capital is a must. Likewise Amsterdam is similarly packed with decadent clubs and bars…and the local speciality, the coffee shop, and if you book with us we can take you on a tour of the best coffee shops in the ‘Dam.

3. Gun Fanatics
One of the main reasons why lads book holidays with us is that we can take them to top shooting ranges! Typically when guys book stag weekends with us, aside from strippers shooting guns is top of the list of activities they’ll want to try. But whatever kind of lads weekend away you’re on booking guns is a must, especially if you’re British since we have the one of the strictest gun laws in the world. Even if you can get round the all horrible bureaucracy your choice of weapons on a UK range will be limited…
Not so in the Czech Republic, which has one of the most liberal gun laws in Europe. So if you come on a Prague Stag Weekend then you have to book a session at a top gun range in Prague. There you’ll be able to try out not just the Kalashnikov, but also, for extra, the Scorpio Evo. 3 - the Czech Uzi. If you want to shoot your mates as well as targets then we suggest booking a paintball activity or Airsoft which you can try in Budapest among other places, where you can use replicas of real weapons.

4. Motorheads
Car enthusiasts of the world unite! If you’re looking to get your blood pumping during your your weekend away with the lads then we’ve got tonnes of activities for all you wannabe Jenson Buttons’ out there. Whether you’re just looking sit back and cruise in classic, vintage cars like you can do on the Prague veteran car tour; or if you want a serious off-roading experience in a 4x4 in Krakow; or even if you want to ride in a Soviet-era tank then we have it all at great prices. But those of you who want to have a race to see who the real champion driver of your group is then nothing beats go-karting. We can take you to tracks where you can race on real professional super-karts!

5. Extreme Sports
More and more lads are going on trips to Europe wanting to try exciting activities that they’d be hard-pressed to find at home in the UK. Adrenaline-junkies who are on the hunt for excitement have plenty to choose from if you book your lads weekend away with Pissup. Ever wanted to be a Matador without getting gored by an angry bull? Well now you can with our Baby Bullrunning activity in Benidorm. If you’re in our other Spanish destination - Barcelona - why not take advantage of the local beach and try out Wake-Boarding for an afternoon on a whole beach dedicated to wake boarding with a cable pulley!
Maybe you and the lads are looking for something a little more dare-devilish, then we recommend going to Riga for the weekend: there you’ll be able to try bungee-jumping, with a twist…you’ll get to out of a Cable Car!
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